2025-2026 School Year Registration Contract
Contractual Conditions
I/We, the undersigned, acknowledge we can withdraw from this contract, according to conditions stated in SJSH’s Withdrawal/ Refund/Reduction of Obligation Policy and SJSH’s Notice of Withdrawal Policy. Fees and services additional to the total amount owed will be billed separately. Prior to the release of all reports; credits; or promotions, any balance owing of the total fees must be paid in full. At SJSH, all credits, marks, and/or promotions are earned only after balance owing is paid in full. As of the first day of classes, all children must be immunized (or exemption filed) and all dates of birth must be documented. Method of payment has no bearing on SJSH’s Withdrawal/Refund/Reduction of Obligation Policy.
Educational Calendar
SJSH’s school year has three semesters: Fall (September to December); Winter (January to April); and Spring (May and June). Each new school year begins after Labour Day and ends before June 30th of the next year. Number and frequency of instructional days and times, as announced by SJSH, are subject to change, at any time, without advance notice and is at the sole discretion and decision of SJSH. Any day not attended, whether or not as a result of a decision made by SJSH, will not be eligible for any refund. Weekends; statutory holidays; December Break, April Break; Summer Break; HeadStart School; Easter Monday and any other day(s) announced by SJSH are not instructional days . HeadStart School is a separate registration and tuition.
Educational Services
In compliance with the Ministry of Education’s Private Schools Policy and Procedures of 09.2013, SJSH provides day-schooling education and related services at the decision and discretion of SJSH without any guarantee. Students are registered in Scholars’ Hall or in St. Jude’s School. If as a result of SHSH’s initial or continual evaluation, a student’s placement may need to be changed to accommodate for services; time; expectations; adjustments; involvements, considerations; timetabling or scheduling and tuition for the balance of the schoolyear will be adjusted accordingly. Tuition at SJSH is for registration not for periods/credits/subjects taken or earned. At no time can or does SJSH offer any guarantee or assurance of a student’s success.
A Scholars’ Hall student achieves, in Scholars’ classes, at or above grade level without any modifications. Minor accommodations or modifications may be provided, for additional fees, as long as the Scholars’ Hall student continues to achieve at or above grade level and maintains acceptable in-class/in-school attendance. A child will be registered as a St. Jude’s School’s student when/if the child needs to attend a St. Jude’s class/classes; needs out-of-class/in-school/or more than minor accommodations and/or modifications. SJSH may provide a St. Jude’s School student, for additional fees, in-school accommodations. SJSH may also place a St. Jude’s School student, in a Scholars’ Hall class/classes, with in-class accommodations or modifications.
Administrative Involvement
Services outside of placement, will be billed separately i.e. 1) Administrative Time -printing; copying; letter writing; report card/ transcript reproduction; phone/email communications; extra student and/or parent meetings.2) Administrative Support -Code of Behaviour compliancy; needing time out; meeting; assisting; listening; talking; advising; calming; understanding; direction; and/or rest; opportunity for personal reflection and comfort.
Administrative Intervention
These services are not included in any placement and will be billed separately: non Code of Behaviour compliancy: office trip; disruptiveness, disrespectfulness, lack of classroom decorum as well as maintaining instructional control; teaching of methods of interaction; implementation of social interactional strategies; preparation for classroom re-entry; facilitating/creating interactional change; extra supervision; assisting with special and/or sensitive issues. Behaviour requiring administrative intervention is not part of SJSH’s mandate and could result in withdrawal of services. Physically aggressive, intimidating and or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated and may result in registration being revoked and/or expulsion. Upon receipt of a child’s OSR, if it includes an IEP, suspension(s), expulsion and/or a Safety Plan, the child’s placement at SJSH will be re-evaluated and/or registration may be revoked.
Student Placement
SJSH can re-assess Placement during the school year and revise tuition as necessary for the balance of the school year.
Grade 11 and 12 Mathematics and English Credit Policy
To protect and preserve SJSH’s graduates’ university acceptance opportunities, all students must take all their Grade 11 and 12 Math and English Credits in a regularly timetabled SJSH class. Any Grade 11 or 12 Math or English Credits taken outside of SJSH while registered or during a summer between SJSH school years, without SJSH’s prior written consent, will not be recognized for purposes of graduation by SJSH.
Operational Policies and Procedures
SJSH’s policy/procedures manual, available at the main office, includes SJSH’s Weather Policy; the SJSH’s Closure Policy; and SJSH’s winter, Salt-Free Policy. This manual and all other policies/procedures, i.e. Code of Behaviour, are an integral part of this registration contract. Familiarization with these policies and procedures is the responsibility of the undersigned.
SJSH’s Attendance Policy
The possibility of success at SJSH is predicated upon a student’s daily punctuality and attendance. It is solely the student’s parents’ responsibility to ensure their child’s daily punctually and attendance. Late to school and/or late to class is a form of absence and will also affect marks and school performance. When a student is absent from school/class, for any reason including but not limited to tardiness; illness; medical condition; appointments; anxiety, vacations; or even with parental permission, their opportunity for academic success and social integration comfort will be jeopardized. If time and resources permit with additional tuition and a willing student, SJSH may be able to modify the student’s timetable to mitigate effects of non-attendance. Even with these modifications, the student must still meet or exceed the Ontario Ministry of Education’s learning expectations to earn a credit/promotion. SJSH will not grant any credit/promotion which is at risk/in jeopardy as a result of absenteeism. Parents will be notified if, due to absenteeism, success at SJSH is at risk or in jeopardy.
Parental Acknowledgements:
A) I/We acknowledge that SJSH can discontinue registration at any time in accordance with the school’s Withdrawal / Refund / Reduction of Obligation Policy.
B) I/We understand that, registration at SJSH, will be jeopardized or discontinued if we have not make full disclosure of any information about our child with regard to; intellectual, academic, social, emotional, behavioural, medical, psychological, school, prior Safety Plans, smoking/vaping, illegal activity or police involvement; and/or if our child does not continue to meet SJSH’s Student Standards of Good Conduct/Teachability, SJSH’s Student Order and Discipline Policy and SJSH’s Rules; and/or if we do not continue to accept, support and promote SJSH’s philosophies, policies, procedures, rules and practices; SJSH’s decisions and responses to students’ behaviours; or if we allow or encourage, by act or omission of an act, any behaviours that are contrary to the SJSH’s Code of Behaviour. If upon receipt of a child’s OSR, if it includes a suspension(s), expulsion or a Safety Plan, which the parent(s) have not disclosed prior to registration, the child’s placement at SJSH will be re-evaluated and/or registration may be revoked.
C) I/WE give ‘in loco parentis’ (parental authority) to SJSH for all school related matters regarding our child.
D) I/We acknowledge and accept that in all instances except being legally separated or divorced as of the date of registration, the signature of one parent does legally bind the other parent/guardian to all the conditions of this contract and both parents are jointly and severally liable for the total tuition and fees.
E) I/We [Parent(s)/Guardian] acknowledge that we, jointly and severally, have an unconditional obligation to pay the tuition, all fees and all Additional Services charges, levies and assessments as may be rendered, from time to time, by SJSH.
F) This contract is also binding with any incorporated business owned by either or both signers and collection can occur directly against the corporation.
G) Failure to communicate if payment will be late can result in your account being forwarded for collection of the full tuition. Service can/will be immediately suspended. A stop payment or NSF cheque is a late payment and $50 is charged. Interest of 1% per month will be charged on any delinquent account.
H) Upon receipt of a child’s OSR, if it includes an I.E.P. not addressed by the students’ Class Placement, or suspension(s), or expulsion or a Safety Plan, the child’s placement at SJSH will be re-evaluated and/or registration may be revoked.
I) This contract replaces/supersedes any prior stated/implied agreement. No future stated/implied agreement, unless both parties agreed, in writing, shall be part of this contract.
I/We have read, understood and unconditionally accept all conditions of this contract including, but not limited to: SJSH’s Student Standards of Good Conduct and Teachability; SJSH’s Student Order and Discipline Policy; SJSH’s Attendance Policy; SJSH’s Grade 11 and 12 Mathematics and English Credit Policy; SJSH’s Rules; SJSH’s Operational Policies and Procedures and SJSH’s Withdrawal/ Refund/ Reduction of Obligation Policy, which are contained either herein or available for review at the school’s main office. J) I/We, have taken all the time required and have sought all the counsel needed to enter into this contractual agreement with full understanding and consent to all its conditions.